Friday, July 13, 2012

As Luck Would Have It

Are you the superstitious sort? Does Friday the 13th, broken mirrors, and ladders blocking your way strike terror into your heart? I guess we all have our quirks. I decided a long time ago that Friday the 13th would be a good day for me, and it usually is.

Luck is what you make of it. If we aren't careful our concept of luck will negate the role of providence in our lives, and keeps us shackled to fear. Every good gift comes from the Father above. A penny on the ground, a chance to share in the joy of others, a phone call from an friend; they all are from above. If we experience blessing, the kind hand of providence has order it so.

What about bad "luck" or hard circumstances. Surely a good God can't use bad circumstance to bless, can he? The short answer is yes. The cross is a great reminder of the harder providences of God. Sometimes, God allows hardships in our lives so that the comfort we experience before him can flow into the lives of others later on.

There is no need to fear a day or a broken mirror when you have entrusted yourself to the one who orders all things to the good of those who love him and are called according to his purposes. As it has been said, "Luck favors the prepared." Providence is just favor. God bless.

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