Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday Recap 11-6-11

Morning: The sermon, "Widow Care," focused on 1 Timothy 5:3-16. In this passage, Paul explains how to care for widows. James, the brother of Jesus and an early church leader, said, "Religion the God and Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world" (James 1:27, NIV). This passage functions as a guide for caring for widows.

Churches, in the 1st or 21st century, have limited resources. The task of providing care for the needy must be approached with care. Paul said that the first rule in widow care is make sure there is a real need. A woman without a husband or grown children was in a desperate situation in Paul's day. He calls on those who have family in need to be the first to offer help, so the church can minister to those without support. The next mark of a truly needy widow is one who pursues God over her own personal pleasure.

The church should seek to aid women of the right character. The women must be over 60, having been faithful to their husbands. They need to be known for doing good like raising children, showing hospitality, helping, etc.

Paul warns against helping younger widows. Instead, he suggested they get married and raise a family. It prevents them from getting caught up in idleness and gossip. If they were to get caught up in such activities it might cause the name of Christ to be slandered.

Finally, Paul urged women to tend to the widows in their families. This command implies that husbands were to support such work. Woman serving women has some practical purposes: first women understand women better, and second, it protects the reputations of the woman and the men who minister to them.

Evening: There were no services tonight.

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