Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hymns: "The Solid Rock"

This hymn is rooted in Jesus' illustration of two men building their houses. One man built his house upon the sand, and storms destroyed it. The other dug down to the bedrock, built his house upon it, and storms could not destroy it. The man who built his house upon the rock was compared to a person who builds his life upon Christ's teachings. The man who did is compared to the person who rejects the teachings of Christ.

If we anchor our hope in the atoning work of Christ, we have no reason to fear. Jesus will keep us safe through the storms of life, and more importantly, through the storm of God's wrath. No circumstance is able to remove us from the sheltering arms of Christ. If you find yourself doubting these promises, read Romans 8:31-39.

I hope this video is encouraging to you. The music is from Sovereign Grace Music. It was recorded at a conference and captures the congregation singing. I think this adds to the power of the song because, after all, hymns were meant to be sung in the assembly. God bless.

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