Monday, March 28, 2011

FAQs Mondays: How Do We Come to Know God?

Last week, we answered the big question, "What is God like?" You can read that post here. Now, we turn attention to our next big question: How do we come to know God? The catechism answers the bigger question through these questions.

Where do you learn how to love and obey God?

In the Bible alone.

Who wrote the Bible?

Holy men who were taught by the Holy Spirit.

Can we trust the Bible?

Yes; the Bible is all-sufficient and without error. Note: As with other longer answers, younger children should be allowed to answer with the simple "yes." Then the parent should read the whole answer.

We come to know God through the Bible. It is true that we can see evidence of God through the creation, but it can't tell us everything we need to know about him. If we are to know God as he is, we must read and understand the Bible.

Children (and adults) need to understand that the Bible was written by men under the inspiration of the Spirit. These men recorded the very words that God intended. The Bible is all-sufficient in the sense that it says everything God intended. Wherever the Bible speaks, it speaks without error, and with authority. We don't need an elite leadership, a church council, a board, or an additional book to help us understand it. The Bible alone is enough.

We need to learn early (and often) that the Bible is our guide for life. If we will read and believe it, the Bible will teach us to know God, through Christ Jesus, and how to please him.  Taking the Bible as our guide, we turn to our next big question: "Where did it all begin?". Next week, we'll seek to answer that question. Leave a comment, I would love to hear from you.

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