Friday, August 29, 2008

Who is a Theologian?

I would like to ask you two questions: 1) Have you ever thought of yourself as a theologian? and 2) Do you consider yourself a disciple of Jesus?

Let me give you two simple definitions. I say simple because more elaborate and precise definitions can and do exist, but these are sufficient for our purposes. First, theology is the study of God. Second, a disciple is a student. Everyone, Christian or non-Christian, does theology. Only those who, through faith, obey the commands of Jesus are his disciples.

Everyone is a theologian; not everyone is a disciples. Disciples don't have a choice about being a theologian. They only have the choice of being a "good" theologian or a "bad' theologian. By the term "good" I mean that their beliefs are based on the Bible. They seek to understand the Word accurately and to faithfully live by it. They not only mentally accept it, they practice in their lives. By the term "bad" I mean that their theology lacks clarity and faithfulness to God's revealed Word. Often their beliefs are not biblical, but conflict with the truth. Even when they are aware of the biblical truth they don't live by it. They acknowledge the truth with their lips, but their heart is far from it.

So the real question is not, "Are you a theologian?," but "What kind of theologian are you?" If you are Jesus' disciple seek to be a good theologian.

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